Fun, Feast, Fight
Pure Fire Event
The Great Getaway 2021
'The Heart Talk' for Dating & Relationships - February 2, 2021 - (Love, Sex & Relationship)
Move your Heart - February 2 2021
'The Heart Talk' for Married couples - January 19 2021 - (Love, Sex & Relationship)
A Stake In The Ground - January 21 2021
Merry Christmas
A safe and authentic community
Every Given Tuesday
MF Fall Promo 2020
Devotion: 36: "Singlehood"
Devotion 35: "Shoulding Yourself to Death"
Devotion 34: "The Strength of a Man - Woman"
Devotion 33 "The Strength of a man Work"
Devotion 32: "The strength of man Witness"
Devotion 31: "The Strength of a Man - Wisdom"
Devotion 30: "The Strength of a Man - Walking"
Devotion 29: "The Strength of a Man - Worldliness"
Devotion 28: "The Strength of a Man - Wrath"
Devotion 27: "R.E.A.L - Lead Courageously"
Devotion 26: "R.E.A.L - Accept Responsibility"
Devotion 25: "R.E.A.L - Experience God Personally"
Devotion 24: "R.E.A.L - Reject Passivity"
Devotion 23: "True Enemy"
Devotion 22: "Pure Thoughts 7 - Walk It Out!"
Devotion 21: "Pure Thoughts 6 - Be Perfect"
Devotion 20: "Pure Thoughts 5 - Yes You Can!"
Devotion 19: "Pure Thoughts 4 - Rejecting"
Devotion 18: "Pure Thoughts 3 - Tempted"
Devotion 17: "Pure Thoughts 2 - Search Me!"
Devotion 16: "Pure Thoughts 1 - Entertain"
Devotion 15: "Below the Iceberg"
Devotion 14:"Heart"
Devotion 13: "Troubled Heart"
Devotion 12: "Get A New Modem!"
Devotion11: "Action Hero"
Devotion 10: "To Be Led"
Devotion 9: "Childish vs Childlike"
Devotion 8: "Tenet"
Devotion 7:"How to P.R.A.Y"
Devotion 6: "Two Are Better Than One"
Samuel:"2nd Generation Christian Transformation"
Jeff: "Young Professional Transformation"
Andrew: "Non-Christian Tranformation"
Devotion 5: "Strengthened!"
Devotion 4: "Love Your Work?"
Devotion 3: "A 24HR Challenge"
Devotion 2: "Patterns Not Perfection"
Devotion 1: "Two Important Prayers"
F.A.S.T.E.R Scale